Ningbo Jinsha Tools
Specializing in pneumatic and electric screwdrivers
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尊敬的客户: 您好!
首先,我们衷心地感谢您对我公司的信任和关心!在我们合作的这段时间里,也许 我们的服务水平在某些方面没有达到您的要求。为提高我公司的服务质量,使我们在今后的合作能更加愉快、更为顺利,兹向您咨询如下:
Dear Customer: Hello!
First of all, we sincerely thank you for your trust and concern to our company! During the period of our cooperation, maybe our service level has not met your requirements in some aspects. In order to improve the service quality of our company and make our future cooperation more pleasant and smoother, we hereby consult with you as follows:

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联系我们 Contact Us

联系人(Contact): 邹振祥
手机(Tel): 13567882000
邮箱(Emial): gold.shark@126.com
地址(Add): 宁波市 鄞州区 东郊街道金家一路543-545号 No. 543-545, Jinjia 1st Road, Dongjiao Street, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City

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